
Files: ./scss/constants/spacing

Vertical Rhythm


One of the issues we often enounter when working with a base grid is setting up the typography. Web typography is not consistent across browsers and quite hard to make pixel perfect. This is where 'Vertical Rhythm' comes to rescue. Vertical Rhythm, originated from print typography, is to make the vertical spaces between elements consistent by repeated patterns. This is how we achive it:


  1. Define a baseline unit which matches our base font-size. Since our base font-size is 14px, 7px is our baseline unit (imagine a vertical grid where each row is 7px tall).
  2. Make sure that padding, margin, line-height and (min/max/)heights are dividable by 7.
  3. Only use these pre-defined values:
$base-unit: 7px;
$base-rhythm: 3;


For padding, margin or height, choose the desired rhythm (1, 2, 10, 20 etc) and pass into the rhythm() function. Default rhythm is 3 (21px)


rhythm(1) (1 * 7 = 7px)

rhythm(5) (5 * 7 = 35px)

rhythm(12) (12 * 7 = 84px)

Fixed spacing sizes

The following sizes have been decided by UX and should be used everywhere on the site to stay consistent:

Spacing within elements

rhythm(2) // 14px

Spacing between elements

rhythm(4) // 28px

Spacing between sections

rhythm(7) // 49px

Handling borders (top/bottom)

Border (top/bottom) combined with height

When an element has a horizontal border (top or bottom) combined with height: no worries. Because we use box-sizing the browser will include the border-width in height and hence calculate it correctly.

I.e height: 35px, border-top: 1px, border-bottom: 1px will result in a total height of 35px.

Border (top/bottom) combined with padding

When an element has a vertical border (top/bottom) combined with padding, the border-width should be passed in as offset like so: rhythm(5, $offset: 2px), where 2px in this case equals the border-top (1px) + border-bottom (1px).


.box {
  border-top: 1px solid color(danger);
  border-bottom: 1px solid color(danger);
  padding: rhythm(2) 0;

Total height will now be 30px (14px + 14px + 1px + 1px) which will break the rhythm since 30 is not dividable by 7. Notice how the box no longer aligns with the lines:


.box {
  border-top: 1px solid color(success);
  border-bottom: 1px solid color(success);
  padding-top: rhythm(2, $offset: 1px);
  padding-bottom: rhythm(2, $offset: 1px);

We subtract the borders (1+1px) from the padding which leaves us with a total correct height of 28px which is dividable by 7.

Not happy with the line-height?

Should you need to have a greater line-height than the automatically calculated one, it's possible by doing the following:

$allow-same-line-height-as-size: true/false

.element {
    @include set-size('paris');
    // This is default: 14px font-size, 21px line-height

.element2 {
    @include set-size('paris', $allow-same-line-height-as-size: true);
    // Will result in 14px font-size, 14px line-height

$lines: NUMBER

.element {
    @include set-size('paris', $lines: 4);
    // Will result in 14px font-size, 28px line-height (4 lines x 7 = 28px)